compounding pharmacy encino

4 Tips for a Healthier Work Life

Our compounding pharmacy in Encino knows that sitting in a desk chair while working for eight hours a day for weeks on end can have a terrible effect on the body.

It’s important to get up and move around periodically throughout the day.  Here are four simple tips from your compounding pharmacy in Encino for staying healthy and enjoying your daily work life.

Stay hydrated

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Drinking eight to ten large glasses of water each day will help you to stay energized while acting as a natural appetite suppressant.  There are many different foods that contain large amounts of water that can be easily substituted as well, like grapefruit, oranges, watermelon, apples, and grapes.  Consider setting an alarm to go off every hour to ensure that you stay hydrated.

Keep moving

While many of us do not have the time to head off to the gym during our lunch break, we can stay active in other ways.  Take a walk around the office complex during lunch.  Find a partner to help you stay motivated.  The daily conversations will also help to take your mind off of work for just a short time.  You can also take short walks before or after work as well.  Or consider taking the stairs instead of the elevator in the morning.  You’ll be burning calories while also ridding your body and mind of excess stress and tension.

Pay attention to your posture

Sitting at a desk all day can easily lead to Tension Neck Syndrome, or TNS.  The neck and shoulders become slightly hunched in an awkward position as we spend time monitoring our computer screens throughout the day.  This abnormal positioning of the neck and spine can cause muscle spasms, pain, and stiffness.  Pay attention to your sitting posture, especially when talking on the phone.  Consider using a phone cradle or speakerphone to make this change in posture easier to manage.

Prevent eyestrain

compounding pharmacy encino

The hours spent in front of a computer screen can quickly affect our overall eyesight when we fail to take a few simple precautions.  From time to time, stand up and look across the room.  When sitting in front of the computer, your screen should be approximately an arm’s length away.  You should be able to comfortably read the information on the screen without squinting.  If this is not possible, simply enlarge the font size instead of moving your chair closer to the screen.

About ABC Compounding Pharmacy:

ABC Compounding Pharmacy is a compounding pharmacy in Encino. We specialize in creating custom-made prescriptions for our patients. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for more health tips and updates.

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