Studio City Compounding Pharmacy

5 Problems Adults Experience While Sleeping

Sleep is the most important activity that our brain and body desire. It rejuvenates us for the following days and it is essential to receive as much sleep as possible. The Studio City Compounding Pharmacy provides medicine to combat sleep disorders such as five listed below, which are important to get treated:

1. Sleep Problems caused by an Underlying Medical Issue

Though older adults usually suffer from primary sleep disorders, the sleep problems that adults experience are derived from “secondary” sleep problems. Secondary sleep is secondary to an underlying medical condition where the main symptoms are not related to sleep.

2. Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders

Sleep-related breathing disorders cover an entire spectrum of problems related to the breathing done during sleep. Sleep apnea is very common and vital to diagnose since it leads to other health problems for middle aged people. Sleep apnea causes pauses in the breathing during sleep. The most common iteration is referred to as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), where the breathing pauses are caused by a blockage in breathing pathways.

Studio City Compounding Pharmacy

3. Restless Leg Syndrome

This syndrome leads to sensations of itching or agitation as a person tries to fall asleep. The symptoms are uncomfortable but not often painful and advance with movement. Most people still misunderstand the biological bases of this problem, but it appears as though it is related to dopamine and iron levels in the brain.

4. Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep

Doctors cannot treat PLMS easily and it is a lot more common than people think. PLMS results in irregular movements while a person is sleeping, usually in the lower limb area. The areas of effect include the toes, ankles, knees, or hips. These movements might wake up a person, and possibly be annoying for them.

5. Insomnia

Insomnia causes difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep, even though the opportunity is there. This disorder also factors into decreased daytime function. Insomnia affects many middle-aged and older people.

About ABC Compounding Pharmacy: Studio City Compounding Pharmacy

The Studio City Compounding Pharmacy values convenience and a family-oriented approach to pharmacy. The time that a client spends attempting to find the right pharmacy that carries their prescription is time they could be spending consuming the medicine. Studio City Compounding Pharmacy provides the ability for clients to receive their medication directly to their door. Be sure to stay in touch with us by following us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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