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5 Ways To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

As a compounding pharmacy in Los Angeles, we have to ensure the public are taking care of their bodies.

Even though most of us are completely aware that our vision is critical to our daily lives and health, many of us fail to take care of our eyesight on a regular basis. This is why our compounding pharmacy in Los Angeles is here to help.

Eye Exams

Reputable opticians always recommend a thorough eye examination at least one per year, regardless of whether you are experiencing any difficulty with your vision or not. Failing to do so can result in certain vision disorders going completely unnoticed for an extended period of time. Here are five simple ways to slightly alter your lifestyle while helping to maintain happy and healthy eyes for years to come.

  1. Watch your diet.

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A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids helps to reduce the negative effects that aging can have on the eyes. Including such oily seafood’s as salmon, tuna, and mackerel into your diet can maintain healthy eyes and even reduce the risks of dry eye syndrome. The zinc compounds found in foods such as milk, cheese, and poultry also help to promote better vision.

  1. Exercise

A regular exercise program helps to maintain a healthy BMI, which also aids in fighting diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The lower BMI also reduces the risks of acquiring such vision-threatening diseases as glaucoma.

  1. Watch out for the sun.

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Ultraviolet light can be devastating to our vision. Overexposure for prolonged periods can easily result in a burning of the retinas and even permanent blindness. Additionally, UV light is also associated with higher risks of cataracts and AMD. On sunny days, don’t forget to wear your sunglasses. UV light is usually at its peak between the hours of 10 AM to 2 PM.

  1. Protect your eyes at work.

Most of us spend the majority of our day at work, perhaps sitting in front of a computer for hours on end. However, remember to take regularly scheduled breaks from your computer screen. Follow the 20/20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something across the room at about 20 feet away for approximately 20 seconds. This will help to reduce prolonged eyestrain and keep your eyes healthy.

  1. Be careful at home, too.

Many of us like to watch television or play video games as a simple form of relaxation while at home. Again, the 20/20/20 rule comes in handy. If you begin experiencing headaches, eye irritation, blurred vision, double vision, or neck and back pain, follow this rule to rest your eyes. However, if the condition is not serious, you should recover rather quickly.

About ABC Compounding Pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy in Los Angeles:

ABC Compounding Pharmacy is a compounding pharmacy in Los Angeles. We are your local resource for all of your prescription needs. Contact us: (818) 783-0422. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more health tips and updates!

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