compounding pharmacy encino

8 Signs of Potassium Deficiency

Our compounding pharmacy Encino knows that potassium is a crucial component for maintaining muscle strength, nerve functioning, and cardiovascular health.

It is important to be able to identify when your body is running low on potassium so you can quickly get your levels right. Our compounding pharmacy Encino has compiled a list of 7 things that indicate low potassium.

Frequent Heart Palpitations

Low potassium is a common cause of frequent heart palpitations. Heart palpitations can be a scary thing and can range in severity from moderate to extreme. It is important to monitor the severity of heart palpitations and adjust your diet accordingly.


Fatigue can be a clear indication of a lack of potassium. However, this type of fatigue is not the result of sleep depravity or over-exertion. It is a type of fatigue that has no ostensible cause.

Feeling Faint or Dizzy

If your potassium levels are low enough, it can cause you to literally pass out. A precursor to passing out is feeling dizzy, so if you feel yourself getting dizzy, eat a banana, and you should feel better. If the problem persists, seek medical advice.

High Blood Pressure

Eating foods high in potassium can have the added benefit of easing tension in the blood vessels. Without sufficient potassium, blood vessels can constrict, which will elevate blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, eat bananas. Additionally, if blood pressure continues to stay elevated, seek a physician’s consultation.

Muscle Weakness

Low levels of potassium can cause muscles to cramp and spasm. If this is the case, add more potassium to your diet.

Numb Tingling Sensations

Potassium promotes healthy nerves. If you don’t have sufficient potassium, you may begin to experience ‘needles and pins’ sensation.


Of the metabolic systems that slow down without sufficient potassium, the dietary system is one. However, without proper potassium, the body may find it difficult to digest food.

About ABC Compounding Pharmacy:

ABC Compounding Pharmacy is a compounding pharmacy Encino. We make sure to provide our patients with all their prescriptional needs. Whether this is for you, your child, or pets, call us today! Follow us on Facebook for more updates!

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