Long beach compounding pharmacy

7 Natural Ingredients to Jump-start Your Summer Smoothie

For all Long Beach Compounding Pharmacy patients, a delicious smoothie is a great way to start your morning or to drink as a healthy snack.

 There are a great deal of different smoothie recipes that go beyond just bananas and berries.  With the right ingredients, your smoothie has the potential to pack a ton of vitamins and nutrients.

Here are 10 ingredients to add to your smoothie that are healthy and delicious:

1.   Almond FlourLong beach compounding pharmacy

Almond flour is great for boosting your metabolism and delivered healthy fats.  It will also give your smoothie a creamy flavor.

2.  Avocado

Besides adding a green creamy texture to your smoothies, avocados are rich in vitamins C, K and E, as well as fiber.  Blend with bananas and kiwis for the perfect green fruit smoothie.

3.  Beets

Beets are beneficial to bone health and also contain high amounts of fiber, potassium, and manganese.  Include almond milk, protein powder, and berries with beets for a tasty smoothie combination.

4.  Coconut WaterLong beach compounding pharmacy

Coconut water contains fewer calories than a sports drink and more potassium than bananas.  For a electrolyte boost and refreshing taste, freeze coconut water in ice cube trays the night before.

5.  Ginger

Ginger is both flavorful and healthy to include in your smoothie.  Blend a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger with strawberries and pears for a delightfully refreshing smoothie.long beach compounding pharmacy

6.  Matcha Tea

A powdered green tea, matcha powder has a ton of antioxidants and EGCG.  Add it in your smoothie for a bright green color and an energizing metabolism boost.

7.  Spinach

This leafy green will power pack your smoothie with vitamins and nutrients.  Start by adding a half cup of spinach into your regular recipe for a boost of nutrition.

These ingredients are great for your body’s health.  Try these seven ingredients in your smoothies on different days of the week to spice up smoothie recipes.

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