
4 Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe From The Summer Heat!

PetHot weather should concern all pet owners and the health and safety of their pets during this summer season. There are 4 ways pet owners can keep their beloved pets safe in summer heat.

1. Fresh water and shaded areas.

Keeping fresh water out for your pets at all times, especially on hot summer days will prevent your pet from overheating. Make sure your dogs or cats are not over heating and should stay inside as much as possible. Outside dogs should have a shaded area and any panting from cats should be immediately taken to the vet.

2. Every dog has a different heat tolerance.

The size and shape of your dog can help determine their risk of over heating this summer. Shaggy haired dogs should be trimmed but be cautions that the hair isn’t too short and they become unprotected from the sun. Sunscreen for dogs with pink noses and skin prevent them from becoming sensitive to the sun and cause irritation or cancer.

3. Not every pet enjoys the Fourth of July.

Many pets become restless by loud noises of fireworks and may panic and attempt to runaway.  Keeping pets indoors and accompanied can relax them and avoid them from panicking or running away.

4. Consider your pet when you exercise.

Taking your dog for a walk or run as your exercise routine may put your dog at risk of overheating.  Early morning or evening walks will avoid hot asphalt and the risk of your dog overheating.

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