Long Beach Compounding Pharmacy

6 Ways to Relieve a Bee Sting Naturally

Our specialists serving Long Beach Compounding Pharmacy patients know that bee stings can be the source of unbearable pain and swelling.

For some, bee stings can even be fatal. Due to this, we wish to inform you about how bee stings should be treated so that you do not suffer. Listed here are six remedies for bee stings.

1. Onions

Although this may seem unorthodox, onions are a great way to treat stings. To start, try slicing an onion in half. This will make the onion’s juices run, which should then be applied to your stung area for the duration of an hour.

2. Basil Leaves

Commonly used in Italian dishes, basil leaves also work on bee stings. Try crushing basil leaves to allow them to release their oils. Applying their oils to your stung area will reduce both swelling and pain.

3. Plantain

Plantain leaves are also great for relieving pain. Try crushing them to release oils which can then be put on your affected area. Also try stripping the leaves in halves and wrapping them around your skin.

4. CalendulaLong Beach Compounding Pharmacy

Commonly used in baby products, Calendula can be used by being crushed. Once crushed, apply its juices to your affected area.

5. Bentonite Clay and Wort Oil

When mixed together, both of these ingredients make a thick paste. Use this paste by spreading it on your affected area in thick clumps. Clay works by removing any remaining bee venom and the wort oil works by reducing pain and swelling.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar works much like bentonite clay in its ability to draw out bee venom from the body. This vinegar also reduces pain and swelling. If this isn’t available to you, try using baking soda; it has the same effect.

If you would like to learn more about treating bee stings, read here.

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