The Easy Do-It-Yourself Blood Pressure Check

A trip to the doctor’s office is not always needed when wanting to check your blood pressure.  According to ABC Compounding Pharmacy regulating your blood pressure at home is an easy process and especially crucial if your doctor recommends monitoring your blood pressure regularly.

Identify a Pulse

The first step in taking your own blood pressure is locating your pulse.  That can be done by using your index and middle finger and lightly pressing it in the crease of your elbow (where it bends).  If you’re having trouble finding your pulse, then using a stethoscope can be helpful in locating it.

Place Cuff on Arm

When using a manual monitor you want to make sure the cuff is snuggly on your arm with the stethoscope head underneath it directly over the pulse. The bottom of the cuff should be approximately one inch above the crease of your elbow.

Inflate and Deflate

Next you want to inflate and deflate the cuff.  Make sure the airflow valve on the bulb is closed.  Then squeeze the bulb to inflate the cuff.  As you inflate the cuff watch the gauge and inflate until it reads 30 points above your projected systolic pressure.  Once you reach this pressure then slowly release the pressure while continuously watching the gauge.  When you hear your first heartbeat, note the points on the gauge because that is your systolic pressure.  Usually the gauge falls around two to three points with each heartbeat.  Continue to deflate the cuff until the sound disappears.  Once this occurs you have reached your diastolic pressure.

Note Blood Pressure

Lastly, document your blood pressure.  This includes the date, time, systolic and diastolic pressures.  Other additional information that may need to be recorded includes current stress, exercise, and meal choices.

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