Long Beach Compounding Pharmacy

Stay Energized All Day With These 8 Foods

Did you know that the food that you consume has a direct impact on your day to day energy levels?  High calorie and fat content foods can leave you sluggish and fatigued because your digestive system needs to work harder to break down those foods.

These 8 foods are recommended to all Long Beach Compounding Pharmacy patients to stay energized all day:

1.  BananasLong Beach Compounding Pharmacy

Bananas are filled with fiber and fructose, a powerhouse energy food.  Add banana slices to your breakfast to keep you alert throughout your morning.

2.  Sweet Potato

Sweet potato contains betacarotene (vitamin A) and vitamin C, as well as a healthy fill of carbohydrates.  Fight off midday fatigue by eating this sweet treat with meals.

3.  Brown Rice

To maintain high energy all day, incorporate brown rice to your meals.  Brown rice is rich in manganese, a mineral that aides in converting energy from carbs and protein. 

Long Beach Compounding Pharmacy
4.  Honey

This natural sweetener is low on the glycemic index and works as a time-released source of fuel for your muscles.  Drizzle on yogurt or tea post-workout to replenish your muscles.

5. Almonds

Almonds are packed with manganese, riboflavin, copper, and protein.  Riboflavin helps oxygen based energy production, while manganese and copper neutralize toxins in the body and keeps your energy flowing.

6.  Eggs

The highest complete form of protein, eggs can provide 30% of your daily protein intake.  Eggs help rebuild muscle maintain energy levels because they contain essential amino acids.

7. Spinach

Spinach is a great source of iron, which aides in energy production within the body.  Avoid the afternoon energy slump by having a spinach salad for lunch.

8. Yogurt

When craving something sweet, reach for a yogurt.  Yogurt is abundant in magnesium and calcium.  Magnesium regulates the release of energy.

Add these foods in your diet to fuel your energy daily.

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