Health Benefits of Drinking Hibiscus Tea

There is a multitude of foods and drinks that can aid us in living a healthier and happier life. At our dependable Encino Pharmacy, we stay up to date with what beverages have a positive impact on individuals overall health. Hibiscus tea is an herbal tea that has proven to have an abundant amount of [...]

2023-10-06T09:10:05+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Foods to Avoid in your Thanksgiving Meal

At our trusted Encino Pharmacy, we understand the complexities of trying to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal while simultaneously trying to stay healthy.  There is an assortment of high calorie and high-fat foods that can wreak havoc on your body. However, this does not mean you have to miss out on bonding over Thanksgiving dinner with [...]

Vegetables That Cleanse Your Colon

Did you know that eating vegetables can drastically improve your colon health? Our compounding pharmacy serving patients in Reseda shares vegetables that cleanse your colon. Putting the right foods in your body is an important key to having a healthy colon and happier lifestyle.  Many people in today’s society are having gastrointestinal problems, due to the foods [...]

Three Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide

ABC Compounding Pharmacy, a top-notch compounding pharmacy near Reseda, knows how important it is to keep our patients happy, and healthy. Here are some helpful tips on using hydrogen peroxide, a common household item, for things other than disinfecting a wound. Use 1: Using peroxide as a teeth whitener Hydrogen peroxide can be used in many [...]

Overlooked Advice on How to Promote Kidney Health

Kidneys are the essential organs of your body. No one can survive without them. Knowing this, our compounding pharmacy near Reseda shares how to promote kidney health. Our kidneys are important because they are the organs that purify blood and eliminate waste. So why waste them away when they eliminate our waste? Our compounding pharmacy [...]

5 Simple Tips on How to Stay Energized All Day

Wake up, roll out of bed, and drink coffee. Does anyone else have this routine? Maybe this morning routine isn’t ideal for staying energized all day. We’ve all experienced extremely low levels of energy throughout our work week. If you’re having trouble finding out how to stay energized all day, our Reseda-friendly compounding pharmacy shares [...]

2023-10-06T09:11:30+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Top 3 Anti-Cancer Food Rules

Cancer affects people of all ages and backgrounds. While some risk factors for cancer (such as age and family history) cannot be avoided, other risk factors (such as diet and level of physical activity) can be changed. Here at ABC Compounding Pharmacy near Studio City, we care deeply about your health and well-being. Follow these 3 anti-cancer [...]

2023-10-06T09:11:45+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

Healthy, Glowing Skin In 3 Easy Steps

Clear skin plays an important role in your overall health. The experts at our compounding pharmacy near Studio City know that your skin is affected by many factors, including your environment, your diet, and your health. Here's how you can have glowing, vibrant skin in just three steps. 1. Stay Hydrated Your outside appearance is directly [...]

5 Summer Routines To Adopt All Year Round

Summer is a wonderful time to adopt healthier lifestyle choices, from eating seasonal fruits to enjoying the outdoors. At ABC Compounding Pharmacy near Studio City, we care about your health not only during the summer but all year round. Here are 5 summer habits that you should follow throughout the year. Shield From Mosquitoes Mosquitoes can carry a [...]

2023-10-06T09:12:29+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

3 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Dog Ownership

At our compounding pharmacy near Studio City, we work with physicians and veterinarians to ensure that both you and your pet stay happy and healthy. A whopping 36.5% of households in the United States own at least one dog, and there's no doubt that dogs play a large part in the lives of many people. [...]

2023-10-06T09:12:47+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |
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