8 Signs of Potassium Deficiency

Our compounding pharmacy Encino knows that potassium is a crucial component for maintaining muscle strength, nerve functioning, and cardiovascular health. It is important to be able to identify when your body is running low on potassium so you can quickly get your levels right. Our compounding pharmacy Encino has compiled a list of 7 things [...]

2023-10-06T09:40:25+00:00Categories: blog|Tags: , , |

7 Tips For Caring For Your Pet This Winter

According to Los Angeles compounding pharmacy, the cold weather can have adverse effects on pets just like it does on people. Below are 7 helpful tips for keeping your pets healthy during the winter that our Los Angeles compounding pharmacy recommends: Winter Health: Pets should have annual checkups just like people. Take your pet to [...]

5 of the Healthiest Winter Foods       

According to Los Angeles compounding pharmacy, there are some amazing healthy fruits and vegetables that are in season during the winter. Our Los Angeles compounding pharmacy experiences a high volume in clients who require medicine. However, there are some alternatives to make sure individuals don't get sick in the first place. Some of these alternatives [...]

Top 4 Dog Health Problems and Symptoms

Our compounding pharmacy Los Angeles knows that your precious pooch might know how to beg for a doggie treat. However, telling you when he is feeling sick or experiencing discomfort is another issue entirely. Our furry friends are at risk to much of the same medical conditions as we are. Fortunately, our veterinarians can prevent [...]

6 Warnings of Vitamin D Deficiency

As winter quickly approaches, your compounding pharmacy in Encino states the signs that your body may be craving more Vitamin D. The body needs regular doses of Vitamin D to remain healthy.  A deficiency can negatively affect our moods, our weight, and even our skin tone and complexion.  While many people associate Vitamin D with [...]

4 Tips for a Healthier Work Life

Our compounding pharmacy in Encino knows that sitting in a desk chair while working for eight hours a day for weeks on end can have a terrible effect on the body. It’s important to get up and move around periodically throughout the day.  Here are four simple tips from your compounding pharmacy in Encino for [...]

2023-10-06T09:42:44+00:00Categories: blog|Tags: , , |

7 Simple Ways to ‘Seize the Day’

As a Los Angeles compounding pharmacy, we strive to make sure our patients and the public are enjoying their lives day-to-day. Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed and overscheduled?  Do you feel as if the life that you are living is not your own? Don’t worry, as a Los Angeles compounding pharmacy we know we’ve all [...]

2023-10-06T09:43:17+00:00Categories: blog|Tags: , , |
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